Friday, 6 July 2012

Pandan PanCake

What for breakkie on a lovely weekend ?? Breakkie is a short form for breakfast. In this lovely country -Australia, a "cute" habit is to add " ie " at the end in some word to make it sound more neat :)

One of my friend who is a blog baker ->eelmsthebaker, has her pancake pic on FB one day, it attract my attention and would really love to give it a try. Of course as a follower of her blog , I will have an update each time that is any new blog uploaded, that give me the advantage to get the recipe when it happen :)

Pancake is a classic breakfast meal in western country, of course food should not have any boundary limit. And I believe food bring people together. If you ate something you love, you want to share it, if is something awful or disaster , I would say the more you would love to tell about it ,so others can avoid.

I make this lovely pancake on last 2 weekend. Of course being me, as a pandan lover. I modify the pancake by adding some pandan essence in the mixture and have this lovely Pandan PanCake as our lovely breakfast to start off our weekend. The texture is fluffy soft , crisppy and not too sweet. Is a healthy yet satisfiying meal to start off a weekend .

To have the original recipe do follow the link ->Clinton Street baking company pancake

I will have the recipe (with pandan flavour) as below as well :

Make 12 -3 inch size pancake

Ingredients :

128g All Purpose Flour ( 1cup)
1 tsp Baking  Powder
35g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs ( seperate yolk and white)
180ml whole milk
43g unsalted butter (melted)
5g unmelted for the pan
1/2 tsp pandan essence

Method :

1. Mixed all purpose flour, baking powder together.
2. In a mixing bowl, combine sugar, salt , egg yolk , whole milk mix well.
3. Sift in the all purpose flour , pour in the melted butter and pandand essence.
4. Beat the egg white till soft peak, fold in the egg white to the all combine mixture.
5. Oil the pan with butter, scoop a laddle of pancake batter into the pan and cook till well.
6. Enjoy it with some cream or honey . I like mine plain with a cuppa :)



  1. come i was not alerted of the post? i followed already! something is not right..zzzz..

    wonderful looking pancakes n thanks for the link back to my blog. btw, possible to get fresh pandan leaves in Aus? if yes do try Wendy (Table for 2 or more) concentrated pandan paste oh. I froze it into cubes n it worked very well. :)

    1. Hi Pretty,

      I am still learning to show the link I follow in my blog.Note sure how to do it and dont have time as well ! AGH!

      Yup we have fresh pandan and frozen as well :) Did use the paste when I do pandan chiffon cake cause more frangrant and give the autheic taste :))

      Have a good weekend .. enjoy your baking time.

  2. Great :)
    For more pancake recipes :
