Thursday 3 October 2013

Orange Creamcheese Cake

I make this cake by order. A friend of mine celebrating a beautiful young lady birthday. As I do not have full set of cake to display and for them to choose what cake they can order. Always they will allow me to do my own research and have a theme for me to create/make something that will surprise them .

So the order is simple yet can be tricky. She love cheesecake and orange is her favourite fruit. :) Well I do have one cake that I would love to try out and bake in this theme. I am happy to take up this order and have this cake make for their special occasion.

I have been reading this young lady blog for awhile. I find her really talented. I guess she must have some sort of experience in western pasteries cafĂ©. The picture and the cake she make was so stunning and above normal standard. The plating was just like fine dining desserts.

This is one of her cake I would love to make. There is a couple of it , I would love to try out in future. I do not have confident to deco the cake like some of hers. It really take time and patience to create cake as such . She is now lodging her first Icook book in Ipad. I have downloaded and it is really great and easy to follow.

Do drop by her blog and the recipe I used for this cake is here ->Yue's Handicrafts

It has few step for each layer. Though the recipe might looks long, however is not difficult to follow. Is quite an easy attempt for cheesecake .I have modify the recipe according to what I can do :)

Make for a 8" round cake ( serve 10-12 pax)

Sponge Cake ( using my Lychee Lime Yogurt Mousse Cake sponge cake )
Half the portion as I only need one layer.

 Ingredients :

40g Cake Flour
1/2 tbsp Corn Flour
13g unsalted butter
100g eggs ( 2 large eggs)
10g egg yolk
30g caster sugar
1 tsp of orange zest (option as this cake should be full of orange smell)

Method :

 1. Preheat oven to 170C degree
2. Place unsalted butter and milk together in a bowl using double boiling method to melt the butter and combine well with the milk.
3.Combine egg and egg yolks with caster sugar in a mixing bowl . Place the mixing bowl on top of a pot of steaming water, avoid the base touch the warm water. Beat the egg mixture with the hand held mixer
4.Continuing beating the egg mixture and be careful not to cook the egg mixture, used your finger to test the temperature of the egg mixture, when is warm take the mixture away from the steaming water.
5. Beat the egg mixture till pale and thick in volume. If you can draw a line with the mixer and the line will not disappear then is done.
6.Fold the flour into the the egg mixture with spatula in 3 separate portions.
7.Take a small portion of the above mixture mix well with the butter milk
8. Pour in the well mixed butter milk and the orange zest into the cake mixture and combine until well incorporate.
9. Pour the cake mixture into a greased 7" round mould. Bake for 15-18min in the preheat oven or until the stick come out clean
10. When done baking , let the cake cool in the mould and take it out, set aside for later use.

Crust Base


140g digestive biscuit
60g unsalted butter ( melted)

Method :

1. Break the biscuit into fine crumb and mix well with the butter.
2. Press evenly into the 8" spring form round mould .
3. Refrigerate at least 30 mins.

Orange Jelly layer ( Top layer)


1.5Tbsp gelatine powder
8Tbsp water
600ml orange juice ( I used bottle orange juice that is pure)
60g sugar ( original recipe 75g)
3tsp of Cointreau ( I do not have so omitted)

Method :

1. Pour water in a bowl, sprinkle gelatine powder on it , let it bloom.  Place the bowl in a bowl of hot water allow the gelatine to melt.
2.Combine 200ml orange juice and sugar in a saucepan, bring it to boil.
3. Remove from the heat , pour in gelatine mixture , stir till smooth
4. Add in the remaining orange juice , stir well.
5. Set 400ml aside for the filling and 60ml for brushing the cake & the remaining for the top layer.

Orange Cream Cheese Filling


250g creamcheese
4tsp of Cointreau ( I do not have it so omitted)
400ml orange jelly , warm ( from the above step)
300ml Whipping Cream

Method :

1. In a chilled metal bowl, beat the whipping cream till soft peaks. Place in fridge for later mixing
2. In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese till smooth , add in orange jelly in small portion and continue to beat till smooth.
3. Fold the whipping cream into the cream cheese mixture. Till well combine

Assembly :

1. Put the sponge cake onto the prepared spring foam tin ( with the crust base in it)
2. Blush generous amount of orange juice on the sponge cake.
3.Pour in all the creamcheese filling.
4. Refrigerate to set. ( Allow 1hour setting)
5. Lastly carefully pour the orange jelly onto the creamcheese layer.
6. Refrigerate to set ( overnight)
7. Decorate the cake as your liking

When I attempt to make this cake, I was concern while waiting for the creamcheese to set the orange jelly might get solidify. However this will not happen, as the gelatine will not set so fast in the room temperature . If you worry, just stir the orange jelly mixture on off to prevent it to set.

The verdict is satisfied customers. They love the taste of the cake and the orange is strong to the birthday gal liking.


This cake is kind of simple though the step seem long. Give it a try you might impress those who love orange and cream cheese.



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