Tuesday 25 June 2013


Well this is the season always make me think of hot spicy curry. Is winter now in down side of the earth. It still occurred to me having winter in the mid year make us all here so special . While other side of the earth is having beautiful spring, summer cozy warm environment, ours is cold , dry and slow is just so different .
The curry thought bring up this idea of making some special Malaysia snack and it has been awhile I have an authentic curry puff in Australia. Instead of waiting to find a right stall why not make some for myself and friends =) Yup we have another steamboat night to celebrate Rice Dumpling festival and everyone take home a curry puff as snack/breakfast for the next day .
So here is the recipe I used for making this delicious Chicken Curry Puffs -> Nasilemaklover
Curry chicken fillings
750g  chicken mince
3oog  potatoes ( 3 large potatoes) - cut into small cubes
4Tbsp of Baba curry powder
8 pc of curry leaves
3Tbsp of Baba chili powder ( it can reduce if you prefer less spicy)
2 small onion- cut in small wedges size
3 tbsp cooking oil
Seasoning :
1tbsp soya sauce
1/2 tbsp salt
Method :
1. In a wok put in oil , when the oil turn hot put in the onion and curry leave sauté it till fragrant
2. Put the potatoes in a microwave container sprinkle some salt , pour enough water to cover it and boil in microwave for about 15min. This step help to prevent potatoes undercook during the stir fried process.
3.Once the onion and curry leave has been sauted till fragrant add in the chicken mince and stir fried till well. Put in the chili powder , constantly mixed well with the chicken
4. Pour in the cooked potatoes to the curry chicken mixture continue to combine the potatoes with into the curry chicken .
5. Put in the chili powder, soya sauce and salt. Taste to seasoning to your liking.
6. Once the chicken mince is cooked , off the fire and leave it aside to cool.
If the curry is too dry you can add some water in the wok when putting the potatoes .
Make 3 hard boil eggs , slice each egg into 8 pieces
( I make about 24 pc by double the ingredients)
Ingredients :
Water Dough
400gall purpose flour ( I used plain flour)
180 -200gwater
6tbsp Cooking Oil
1tsp salt
50g caster sugar ( I used brown sugar)
Oil Dough
180g all purpose flour
90g shortening.
Method :
Water Dough ( I used stand mixer , it take about 10-15min to have all this mix well)
1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl
2. Slowly pour in water and lightly knead till a soft dough
3. Cover and set aside to rest for 20 min
Oil Dough
1. Put flour in a mixing bowl
2. Rub in shortening and slowly combine to a soft dough. ( you might want to slice the shortening to fine piece for easy mixing)
3. Cover and set aside to rest for 15mins

Making Spiral curry puff skin
1.Flatten the water dough and wrap the oil dough inside. Pinch and seal the edge nicely.
2. Dust some flour on your work surface, gently roll the dough into a rectangle.
3. Fold the rectangle from one long end by 1/3 and fold the other long end over the top.
4.Rotate the dough 90 degree, gently roll the dough into rectangle again and repeat the folding process twice more
5.Once the dough has been rolled and folded 3 times, slowly roll up tightly into a swissroll and rest for 20min.
6. Use a knife, divide the dough according to the size you are making . For my curry puff mould it make about 24 pc for this measurement.

A picture speak thousand word do go to the link and see how this process is done.
I learnt something from this rolling process, the dough has to be rough quite tightly into a swissroll shape, if is not firmly roll up , when you roll it out to a small disc the spiral style in the middle might break off easily .
To fill and shape puff
1.Take a small dough (spiral side face up) , used a small rolling pin to roll to a circle disc.
2. Place the dough into the curry puff mould ( yes I cheat I tried to do it with my hand it just does not work)
3.Put 1 tbsp of curry chicken filling in and place a slice of hard boil egg.
4.Fold in the mould and here you have a beautiful curry puff. Make sure the edge is tightly seal. If not once it place in a hot oil, it will open up.
Once the curry puffs has been made , heat up the oil . The oil has to be really hot and place curry puff into it . Deep fried till golden color.

Need me to say more, it was so crispy and yummy. All my friends love it. The response is so good I make another batch of 80 pc and sold to those who love what I have make. Result is well responsed and is so encouraging for my 1st food business venture out .
I look forward to share more of the food I love and if GOD is please the door will be open wide :)
Appreciate all the support from my friends , it was such an encouraging experience.



  1. Hi,

    Greeting from Melbourne! Hope that the weather in Brisbane is getting warmer soon. Went to Brisbane before in July and think that the Brisbane weather is so much nicer than Melbourne :D

    Nice to have you cooking with us at the Little Thumbs up event. Curry does remind me a lot of my Singapore and nice that your delicious curry puffs are well appreciated :D

    Hope to be friends via blogging :D I'm now your latest follower and hope to hear from you soon.


  2. Hi Zoe,

    Love the Culture and historical building in Melbourne. Hope to visit that city soon again . Is full of desserts place , beautiful café and good food ^^Is just dry cold down in BNE here not my kind of weather.

    Yup is great to know friend through food blogging. Thanks for organising this event I always learn a lot from all other blogger. Love the effort you put in your blog, to have pic and wording and step on the pic is an extra effort.

    Have a good week ahead , hope Melbourne this weekend is not wet and dry like down here .

    :) Corlin

  3. hi can u please specify where you the moulds. i am trying for these that comes in three different sizes. thanks in advance

    1. Hi Happybowl , sorry for the late reply. The mould I used is about 10cm . Enjoy the baking :)
