Saturday 30 March 2013

Chocolate Semifreddo ( Chocolate Ice Cream)

Is another of my baking journey. I have some friends come over for dinner. He love lamb , so I decided to do a roast lamb. So when the menu set to be more western , I thought I should try something different about the dessert. Instead of doing my "usual" cake , why not try something else.

I happen to use Donna Hay recipe for my roast lamb so I happen to come by her Chocolate Semifreddo recipe. This recipe does not require an ice cream machine to make the delicious and rich frozen treat. It is easy and fast to prepare. Of course you have to prepare one night to freeze it before you serve ^^.

Hereby I shared this recipe with adding a little bit of my own "secret" ingredients, these ingredient when it combine in chocolate is just simply add an omph in it .

Recipe : ( Adapt from Donna Hay magazine Dec 2012)

Ingredients :

3 eggs
2 eggs yolks  extra
3/4 cup ( 165g) caster (superfine) sugar (I used brown sugar)
250 dark chocolate , melted ( used double boil method)
1 3/4 cup ( 430ml) single ( pouring) cream - I used pouring cream
2 tablespoons cocoa powder, sifted
2 tablespoons bailey - optional ( I added this to enhance the chocolate favor)

Method :

1. Place a metal bowl in freezer , for cream whipping used.
2. Place the eggs, extra yolks and sugar into a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water
3. Using a hand-held electric mixer , beat for 6-8 min or until the mixture is pale and thick and doubled in volume.
4. Gentle fold the melted chocolate and bailey into the egg mixture till well combine
5. Take the metal bowl out and whip the cream until soft peaks form and fold in the cocoa powder. 
6.Gently fold the cream through the above egg mixture, pour into a metal container, cover and freeze for 3-4 hours or until set.
7. Spoon into glasses and serve with fresh berries if desired.

Is such an easy and delight desserts. My guest simple love it though he asked me for the recipe I doubt he will do it himself. For a guy is still a bit too tedious to prepare all this when is more direct for them to pick up a tub from the super market.

Given am not so a chocolate lover , I find this ice cream is creamy and dark chocolate with bailey is just perfect to like a cream on top of the cake for a lovely western dinner night :)

Do try out this easy recipe and get impress yourself .

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Your semifreddo recipe was nominated as one of the "Best 300 Semifreddo Recipes on the Net". To vote for it, please visit - your recipe is positioned at #194 (random order).
