Thursday 24 March 2016

Cocoa Pecan Peanut Cookies

Again another overdue blog. I was hoping to find time write this post in Feb , as this is a chocolate cookies, it fit into the valentine mood. However , times just pass me too fast.  Well , is better late than never.

This is another cookies I bake for this year CNY celebration . I am not a chocolate person ,  given my  baking mode just got fire up , is good to have some varieties in baking. Chocolate is always something welcome by people. I bake this as a CNY present to bless those around me.

The recipe adapt from ->Mayck Law

 I have double the portion in this recipe. As I would like to make more that be enough to give others.

Ingredients :

110g Unsalted Butter ( room temperature)
50g Icing Sugar ( I used 40g)
100g All Purpose Flour
30g Almond Meal
20g Cocoa Powder ( I used dark cocoa powder)
80g Pecan & Peanut ( chopped and without roasted)

Powdered Sugar for coating ( I using icing sugar )

Method :

1. Cream butter with icing  sugar till light and fluffy.
2. Fold in the sifted flour, almond meal , cocoa powder , mix well . Add in chopped pecan peanut and combine well with spatula.
3. Roll the soft dough into a round bar. Cling wrap the dough and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
4. Preheat oven at 150C (according to your oven temperature , my oven tend to be hotter)
5. Divide the dough into 60 small portion ( I make more than 60 with 6g each ). Shape them into small balls and place them on baking tray. Keep some space in between , it will not expand much .
6. Bake in oven for 18 -20min
7. After remove from the oven , roll the chocolate cookies on powdered sugar while warm and again when it cool.

I have the cookies wrap nicely on a small cupcake wrapping. It help to collect the crumb when one bitting into the the cookies.

I love the fragrance of the cookies . Nuts , butter and chocolate goes so well together. As I used high percentage of cocoa powder. The cookies is not too sweet and it does taste like dark chocolate ball. With the icing sugar coating outside of the cookie. When the cookies put in the mouth the first taste is slight sweetness and follow by light bitterness of dark chocolate. Is that kind of cookies I love.

I will make this again for snack too :) Hope you will give it a try.